We offer knobs for the IM500 and IM703 Maksutov-Cassegrain secondary. Select knobs for your telescope from the list below. (Please note that Intes is a different manufacturer.) Price is for a complete set of knobs.
A. Knobs for Intes-Micro Alter M500 Secondary

Part: IM500
Fits: Intes-Micro Alter M500 Mak-Cass versions.
Knobs: Black plastic, 10 mm (3/8”) diameter.
Threads: Stainless steel.
- The factory dust cover will fit normally with the knobs in place.
- The factory collimation screw cover must be removed and set aside when Bob's Knobs are installed. The cover is cosmetic only and will not affect operation of the scope.
B. Knobs for Intes-Micro Alter M703 Secondary

Part: IM703
Fits: Intes-Micro Alter M703 Mak-Cass versions
Knobs: Black plastic, 10 mm (3/8”) diameter
Threads: Stainless steel
- The factory dust cover will fit normally with the knobs in place.
- The cover over the factory collimation screws must be removed and set aside when Bob's Knobs are installed. The cover is cosmetic only and will not affect operation of the scope.